Our Services
Your pet is an important part of your family, and when he or she is ill, you will want the best medical care available.
Our modern hospital includes complete surgical and dental facilities, anesthesia monitoring, diagnostic radiology, pharmacy, diagnostic laboratory, pathology, treatment room, bathing area, isolation ward, and general medical wards. Nile Point Veterinary Hospital, Inc. is a member of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Our facility is regularly inspected by AAHA and for over 50 years we have always met their high medical standards.
Hospitalized Pets
We understand your concern and desire to be kept up-to-date with the health status of your hospitalized pets. Telephone consultations about hospitalized pets are available after the doctors have completed their morning rounds – usually after 8:00 a.m. Naturally, you're welcome to call throughout the day to check on your pet's current medical condition. You are also welcome to visit your hospitalized pet during normal business hours; please call to schedule your visit.
Hospital Information Services
You will receive a reminder card when examinations and vaccinations are due for your pet. We will notify you of disease epidemics and new treatments pertinent to your pet's welfare. In addition, we regularly send clients our Healthy Pet hospital newsletter to keep you current on pet health trends.
Please call us at once for any emergency. Care is always available for your pet. Our emergency number is our office number, (661) 327-9516. Emergencies during hospital hours are given priority attention over routine procedures and examinations. In most cases, after-hours emergencies will be referred to Kern Emergency & Urgent Care, a specialized emergency care facility for pets during evenings, holidays and weekends.
Hospital Fees
Payment in full is expected at the completion of your office visit. In the case of a hospitalized pet, we ask that a deposit be made and that the balance paid upon release of your pet. We are happy to provide you with a written estimate of any services to be performed and you are welcome to discuss our fee structure with our professional staff. We also accept Veterinary Pet Health Insurance (VPI). For those clients who desire to pay by credit, we accept most major credit cards (M/C, Visa, American Express & Discover). For additional payment options we offer CareCredit . Please see our receptionist for additional details on this extended payment plan.

Our modern hospital includes complete surgical and dental facilities, anesthesia monitoring, diagnostic radiology, pharmacy, diagnostic laboratory, pathology, treatment room, bathing area, isolation ward, and general medical wards. Nile Point Veterinary Hospital, Inc. is a member of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Our facility is regularly inspected by AAHA and for over 50 years we have always met their high medical standards.
Hospitalized Pets
We understand your concern and desire to be kept up-to-date with the health status of your hospitalized pets. Telephone consultations about hospitalized pets are available after the doctors have completed their morning rounds – usually after 8:00 a.m. Naturally, you're welcome to call throughout the day to check on your pet's current medical condition. You are also welcome to visit your hospitalized pet during normal business hours; please call to schedule your visit.
Hospital Information Services
You will receive a reminder card when examinations and vaccinations are due for your pet. We will notify you of disease epidemics and new treatments pertinent to your pet's welfare. In addition, we regularly send clients our Healthy Pet hospital newsletter to keep you current on pet health trends.
Please call us at once for any emergency. Care is always available for your pet. Our emergency number is our office number, (661) 327-9516. Emergencies during hospital hours are given priority attention over routine procedures and examinations. In most cases, after-hours emergencies will be referred to Kern Emergency & Urgent Care, a specialized emergency care facility for pets during evenings, holidays and weekends.
Hospital Fees
Payment in full is expected at the completion of your office visit. In the case of a hospitalized pet, we ask that a deposit be made and that the balance paid upon release of your pet. We are happy to provide you with a written estimate of any services to be performed and you are welcome to discuss our fee structure with our professional staff. We also accept Veterinary Pet Health Insurance (VPI). For those clients who desire to pay by credit, we accept most major credit cards (M/C, Visa, American Express & Discover). For additional payment options we offer CareCredit . Please see our receptionist for additional details on this extended payment plan.